"Chasing Einstein" FAQ

When is Chasing Einstein being released in the U.S.?
Chasing Einstein is now streaming! Stream Chasing Einstein now!
What is Chasing Einstein rated?
Chasing Einstein is not rated.
Is Chasing Einstein available on DVD/Blu-ray?
Chasing Einstein is not yet available on U.S. Region 1 DVD, but is available for streaming in the United States on Amazon.
Who made Chasing Einstein?
Chasing Einstein was directed by Steve Brown and Timothy Wheeler, and written by Eric Myerson. Read more about the Chasing Einstein filmmakers.
Who is distributing Chasing Einstein?
Film distribution for Chasing Einstein is being handled in the U.S. by Atlas Distribution.
What is Chasing Einstein about?

Nobody has managed to topple Einstein's theory of relativity, even though it leads to the shocking conclusion that most of the universe must be made of a mysterious form of invisible matter that nobody has ever observed. But now physics stands at a crossroads.

Some of the sharpest brains in physics have dedicated their lives to search for this “dark matter” while others are working on a new theory of gravity. Chasing Einstein follows leading scientists around the world. Learn more about Chasing Einstein.

Who stars in Chasing Einstein?
Chasing Einstein features an amazing lineup including:
  • Elena Aprile
  • Laura Baudis
  • Barry Barish
  • James Beacham
  • Margot Brouwer
  • Cree Edwards
  • Erik Verlinde
  • Herman Verlinde
  • Rainer Weiss
How can I stay up-to-date on Chasing Einstein?
To stay up-to-date on the latest Chasing Einstein news, follow us on Facebook, and be sure to sign up for the official Chasing Einstein newsletter.
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